The case study on risks for health due to e-commerce has been implemented by the Region of Lazio, Italy, in order to test the MIDIR Approach on a new and emerging risk with minimal information and low awareness but potentially a high risk. The concept has been tested in risk screening / problem framing and assessment. The process has been planned as follows:
- Interest and risk perception analysis carried out through interviews to ten stakeholders from the following bodies: The IMPACT- Italy Task Force (International Medical Products Anti-counterfeiting Taskforce) composed by: Italian Ministry of Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) - the leading technical and scientific public body of the Italian National Health Service, the Italian Medicine Agency (AIFA) and NAS, the Italian civil military corps for the protection of health. The other involved stakeholders were Farmindustria, the Italian Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers; the Italian Federation of General Practitioners (FIMMG); the Association of Pharmacists of Rome; The Roman Federation of Pharmacists (Federfarma Roma), the Agency for Regional Health Services (ASSR) and former students in the faculties of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology.
- On the basis of the interviews an analysis of the general framework of the specific risk situation was elaborated.
- A meeting with all the stakeholders involved was organized with the aim of identifying stakeholders needs and interests, selecting the Part A and Part B Indicators for the implementation of the MIDIR methodology.
- Discussion for the elaboration and development of a common brochure with the collaboration of all involved stakeholders (mainly the IMPACT-Italy Task Force) for wide dissemination and an awareness raising campaign within the Region and, possibly, around Italy.
- Focus Group: Perception analysis of health risks due to eCommerce by a group of citizens (between 18 to 70 years old, male and female) screened to ensure they are part of the relevant target. this method provided invaluable information about such a delicate issue because questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members.
For more information, please download the Report case study health risk due to e-commerce.