
Risk governance tree

Source: Based on Website Kunstnet

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This interdependence of Part A and B indicators can be visualized by the example of a tree. The main objectives of the MIDIR project could be understood as the roots of the tree: Current risk management is often characterised by distrust in public decision-making. More public participation in risk assessments and decision-making is needed in order to make the decision process more democratic, improve the relevance and quality of technical analysis and increase the legitimacy and public acceptance of political decisions. Here, a tool is needed which is able to continuously monitor the performance of an existing management system in order to identify the relevant next steps.

For that purpose, Key-Performance-Indicators were identified which are usable for every risk setting as proved by the analysis which was described by Del. 1.1 (Wanczura et al. 2007). These indicators are visualised as main branches of the tree. However, in order to gain specific knowledge about a certain risk setting, more detailed information is needed (Part B). Having in mind the picture of a tree, Part B is shown by the small twigs. They have to be identified on the basis of the main risk governance principles which are measured by the Part A indicators or branches of the tree. This guarantees their proper identification. In this context, the interest analysis, described in chapter 3, plays an important role by preparing a stakeholder involvement processes.

Finally, measuring values have to be identified showing the current performance of a certain indicator. They are shown as leaves of the tree. This is the scorecard perspective, included in MIDIR by an electronic monitoring tool. It visualises the performance of the risk governance process. A scorecard offers a set of appropriate measurement values which assist responsible bodies to monitor and assess progress towards the achievement of strategic goals over time.

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